Paintings that will help the army: a charity auction for the “Angar” headquarters is being held in Lutsk

Paintings that will help the army: a charity auction for the “Angar” headquarters is being held in Lutsk

Paintings by Ukrainian painter Yuri Chaika can be purchased at a charity auction. All proceeds will go to the “Angar” Volunteer Center and will be used for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This initiative was organized by the “Investor” Company together with the artist. The company bought three works by Yuri Chaika and started an auction. These are the interior paintings "Elephant", "Two cows" and "Comondor".

The terms of the auction are simple - on social networks (Facebook and Instagram) choose the picture you like and write in the comments below her photo the price for which you are ready to buy.

The starting price of the painting is $ 300, the minimum bet step is $ 10.

The auction will last until 13:00 on May 12. The winner is the one who offers the highest price.

To participate in the auction - follow the links on the social network👇


LOT № 2 "TWO COWS" -


The painting won in the auction will not just be a beautiful element of the interior. It will be a symbol of your participation in our approach to Victory!

The paintings put up for auction, their scale and special techniques of execution, which can be seen in textured details and special colors, can be seen live. To do this, visit the office of the company "Investor" at: Lutsk, Kopernyka St, 13, 3rd floor.

Yuri Chaika calls most of his works interior paintings. The plots and colors of such paintings add an individual character to rooms and houses, complement the atmosphere, and often even create it.

A special series of paintings by Yuri Chaika - images of animals and birds. These paintings are bright, very stylish, and are made in a special author's technique, which conveys the texture of leather and fur of animals.

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